Every Body Yoga DVD with Karlee Fain; KYT, LMT, BS
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Every Body Yoga is eco-friendly: all veggie ink, 100% recycled tray, and Certified 100% Green Forestry Practices Board.
What's the DVD all about....
Introduction (2:25)
Building the Fire (22:54)
Yoga Posture Flow (18:41)
Centering Cool Down (19:19)
Guided Deep Relaxation (9:18)
*Bonus: Rejuvenating Guided Metta Mediation (8:14)
Total Running Time: Approximately 81 minutes.
"Really, Yoga for Every Body? Sure!Feel Great! Join accomplished Wellness Instructor Karlee Fain as she guides you through ways to stretch, strengthen, relax, and most certainly have fun discovering your own unique way to health!
Never exercised before? An experienced yogi? There is something for everyone in this DVD as it encourages you to modify each posture so that you too may thrive! Enjoy Karlee’s extensive knowledge of anatomy as she delivers it in a way that the average person can enjoy.
Each of the 6 segments is a full experience, and can stand alone if you want to feel great in just a few minutes, or play them continuously for over 80mins of warm up, postures, cool down and deep revitalizing relaxation."