Maria Sirois, Psy.D
Maria Sirois, Psy.D. is an inspirational speaker, psychologist, author and storyteller who brings to life the wisdom and the research that enables us to live our fullest lives. She has keynoted across the country, addressing topics such as Resiliency and Thriving, Sustaining Ourselves in Times of Loss, Inspired Philanthropy and the Generative Life. Maria is an orator of great power and compassion, and has been called a true teacher. Her first book, Every Day Counts: Lessons in Love, Faith and Resilience from Children Facing Illness, was published in June 2006. For more information about Maria's speaking engagements and book purchase visit
More of Maria's Videos and Podcasts Arrive In August 2010, Keep Watching!
Resiliency: Thrive with Life Changes (Part 1 of 3)
Resiliency: Discover Your Signature Strength (Part 2 of 3)
Resiliency: Your Choir, Who Sings for You? (Part 3 of 3)
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