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    Entries in wrists (1)


    Strike a Pose: The Crow (Bakasana)

    Ka-kaww! "Strike a pose" this week with the Crow, these fun tips will help your bird soar.  We'll post a link to the full how-to video soon.

    This pose is great for intermediate athletes and yogis who are ready for a new challenge and willing to practice a little mind over matter.  

    Beginner? No worries, this pose is learned in steps and can be mastered by all who dare, it's great for core strength, balance, and quieting your mind: trust us, your minds gets very focused when you're balancing on your hands :) Check back soon for the step-by-step guide.

    Extra hint: Place a cushion in front of you for a soft landing pad - by looking forward at your cushion (rather than down/back at your feet) you bring your wieght and momentum forward and up into the air.