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    Julie Sando, Autism Specialist, Announces a Life-Changing Challenge!

    What can YOU do to be able to make a bigger difference in other people's lives? Autism Specialist, Julie Sando ( shares how children on the autism spectrum can help us find that answer.  Learn more about Julie's inspiring work!

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    Reader Comments (3)

    Julie, Your video is fantastic and captures just a fraction of your "in person" enthusiasm. You are doing exceptional work and your clients are so lucky to have you. I will take your 30 minute challenge. Excellent recommendation! Thank you

    love you,


    June 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarianne Pavone

    I told you before I wish you were my've just shown everybody why!!. As for the golf ball story, my son does that with other things, he does his own little creation with whatever objects at the time, someone always wants to "tease" him so they re-arrange his creation, he comes running from anywhere to put it back together "just so"....I need some "me time" so I think I'll start with the 30 minutes...when I can get time :-) xxxx thanks for being my FB friend, keep up the fantastic work xxxx

    June 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShona

    Wonderful advice Julie! It's so easy to get wrapped up in what "has to" be done. I find the more hours I work the less productive I am. I've taken to doing long hikes in the middle of the day with my dog. When I get back to the office I'm full of new ideas, inspired and energized. Loving it!
    Thanks Julie

    June 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKat Houghton

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