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    Entries in yoga (3)


    Leg Stretch: Your solution for hamstrings that feel like "hamropes".

    The latest video is up: a fun and simple guide to relaxing your legs and low back, a must for those of us that work at a desk, drive, or exercise to prevent strains, sprains, and leave the charlie horses, well, to the horses. Yee haw! Special thanks to Tim in Conover, NC for requesting this video.  Let us know, is there a move you'd like help with?

    How to Rock Your Eight Angle Pose

    Now this is our kind of getting high. In this week's video Karlee shares step-by-step tips to helping this fun move and your mood take flight.  This video is based on viewer requests, please let us know what videos you'd like to see - your idea could inspire our next segment and support the health of folks around the globe.


    Keep Your Hips Hip - 3 Awesome moves to stretch and relax your hips

    Karlee answers a viewers' request for ways to stretch her tight hips.  These powerful moves will stretch and relax your hips, back and legs, making it easier to sit, stand, and enjoy your day. Need a move to stretch, strengthen or relax? Your request can help thousands, ask Karlee now.  

    (Special Thanks to Lara in Virginia for this request, she found us on facebook, click here to join the chat)